My first impression for using this BB cream is the good coverage. I used foundation before and it worsened my acne. This cream is also nourishing my skin. I found my skin became moist after being cleansed, while foundation led me to clogged pores and rough skin.
The texture is a bit thick and hard to be applied. That’s why I prefer to use moisturizer before BB cream. But anyway, its consistency is lighter than common foundation.
BB Samples Advanture
Afterwards I get chances to try various samples of BB Cream: Lioele, Feverlet, Feverlet HD, Palgantong One Touch Color Essence, Lotus Blossom HD No make up, and Skin79.
After some trial with many brands, I can make an evaluation. Dodo Club doesn’t really moisten my skin. In the middle of the day, I find that the spots and large pores started to appear. While using Skin79, Feverlet, and Lotus Blossom, I can get a fresh natural look until evening.
Unfortunately I find no healing effect since I use the sample size and switch it randomly. Dodo Club also gives me no healing effect. But it helps to prevent acne.
About the coverage, Dodo club is better than Palgantong One Touch Color Essence which is sheerer. While Lioele gives me nothing special. It doesn’t cover the spot properly but helps in controlling sebum.
Lotus Blossom contains spf and has good coverage and oil control. This is almost similar to Feverlet HD. But Feverlet is sheerer, whiter, and easier to be applied.
Feverlet HD and Skin79 give me natural look. Dodo Club comes in pinky shade. Feverlet, Lioele, and Skin79 have medium shade. Feverlet and Lotus Blossom come in brighter tone, but still natural as long as we don’t apply too much.
Although BB cream is highlighted for its additional healing properties, we should realize that this is a cosmetic, not a skin care. That’s why we should do well cleansed after using it. I usually use cleansing milk as my first cleanser, and then continue with face cleanser and toner. My next BB Cream targets are Shills, BRTC, and Skin79 Super plus BB gold.
tos lah bagi sesama petualang BB Cream hehehe...
lioele n lotus blossom blm ak coba.. bagus ya keliatannya
kl incaran, banyak tuh yang buka PO nya, sampel nya jg banyak sis.
Hi Priscilla, thanks ya sudah mampir :)
iya nih banyak preorder. musti banyak2 survey harga yang bagus ^^
Kalau aku pribadi lebih suka yang Lotus Blossom karena ada spfnya dan coveragenya OK. Mari2 kita lanjutkan petualangan hehee ..
hi mapple...
lagi ngacak2 mbah google, ketemu blog kamu..
aku kemarin sempet nyoba si Lotus Blossom (dari sample sih..)
ih ternyata emang dia aku langsung klop.. Enak yah dipakenya...
(e'ia aku baru nyoba skin79 hotpink, hanskin premium, brtc pr, sama sample Lotus ajah siy)
sayang agak susah kalo mu beli lagi..
halo Winda, thanks sudah mampir ^^
kalo aku belum pernah tu cobain hanskin dan BRTC pr ... pengeenn ..
iya yang lotus blossom coveragenya ok. Bagiku rada mirip sama feverlet HD. Cuman yg feverlet HD agak lebih sheer dan lebih gampang diblend
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